Lourdes Youth and Community Services (LYCS) is an integrated community development organisation based in Dublin’s North East inner city.
Through it’s four programmes, LYCS works with approximately 250 children, young people and adults every week, in the areas of education and training, social, cultural and recreational activity.

Liberties Community Project
The Liberties Community Project is an amalgamation of SICCDA and Robert Emmet CDP, two Dublin City Co-op founding members established in 1983 and 2003 respectively who were merged in 2024 to deliver enhanced services in the South West Inner City Dublin. The Liberties Community Project adopts a dual qualitative and quantitative approach to identify need and to support community pursue a logical, rights based advocacy approach while also delivering a broad range of community development services to meet need as it exists currently.

North West Inner City Network
The North West Inner City Network (NWICN) is an independent member- based forum of Community and Voluntary Groups in the North West Inner City of Dublin. Established in 1997 by a group of local community activists, people living and working in the area, the Network seeks to ensure that the community has an active say in how their community is developed. It has a particular remit in relation to social inclusion.

South West Inner City Network (SWICN)
South West Inner City Network (SWICN) is a community organization, providing a wide range of services for adults and young people living in Dublin 8.

New Communities Partnership (NCP)
New Communities Partnership (NCP) is an independent national network of 175 immigrant led groups comprising of 65 nationalities with offices in Dublin’s inner city and Cork with outreach to other cities.

Inner City Organisations Network (ICON)
ICON has its’ roots in over twenty years of community organisation in the north east inner city. It was formed to bring together all the local projects to fight against increasing local disadvantage and long-term unemployment and to make sure that local voices were heard.

Daughters of Charity Community Services
Daughters of Charity Community Services is a community based organisation providing a range of educational, training and social care services for children, young people and adults in Dublin’s North Inner City.

Inner City Enterprise (ICE)
Inner City Enterprise (ICE) is a not-for-profit charity established to advise and assist unemployed people in Dublin’s inner city to set up their own businesses or create their own self-employment.

North Wall CDP
The North Wall Community Development Project (CDP) is a not-for-profit community development organisation based in Lower Sheriff Street and Seville Place, Dublin 1.

Community After Schools Project (CASPr) provides educational services and childcare in the North East Inner City, to enable people to escape poverty and access employment. The project’s childcare services aim to provide a fun, safe learning environment for children.

An Síol
An Siol CDP is a Community Development Project that has been based in the Stoneybatter area for over 10 years.

NASCADH is a Community Development Project operating in the East Wall area of Dublin’s inner city.