Our Team

Noel Wardick


Noel is a senior manager and CEO with over 20 years’ not-for-profit/civil society experience both in Ireland and overseas. He spent many years working in the international aid sector including seven years in the East and Horn of Africa. An experienced director Noel has served on the board of Ireland’s independent statutory agency, the Charities Regulatory Authority, as well as serving terms on the boards of Comhlamh and Transparency International Ireland, the anti-corruption organisation. Noel joined Dublin City Community Cooperative as CEO in July 2015. Much of Noel's spare time is spent with his local GAA club in Clontarf coaching hurling.

Josephine Henry

Urban Planning and Education Advisor

Josephine Henry is a specialist in spatial planning and urban regeneration as well as advising on educational disadvantage and career progression. She has 20 years’ experience in community development work with a particular focus on urban spatial disadvantage and regeneration mechanisms.

Prior to joining the Dublin City Community Cooperative in September 2016, Josephine worked for Community Technical Aid (CTA). Before CTA Josephine worked with various LEADER programmes as well as lecturing in DIT. Josephine’s specific areas of interest include: urban regeneration and residents issues; housing; spatial planning; education, training, and career guidance and a range of issues relating to the environment, as well as the polices underlining advocacy, community development and social inclusion.

Siobhan Larkin

Programme Development, Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator

Siobhan works for the Co-op in the role of Programme Development, Monitoring and Evaluation where a significant focus of her work is on supporting the Co-op’s portfolio of programmes and also overseeing the Integrated Reporting Information System (IRIS), the reporting tool for the Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP). Siobhan has worked in various adult education and community development settings for over 25 years both as a co-ordinator of projects and as a facilitator / trainer. She is interested in the difference that well-being and creativity can make in empowering people and communities. Siobhan has previously won an Aontas Star award for a creative personal development project she co- designed, developed and delivered.

Pamela Carroll

Community Development Health Worker

Pamela is currently seconded from Dublin City Community Coop to South West Inner City Network where she works as a community development health worker in the St. Teresa Gardens/Donore Avenue area. Pamela joined the Coop in May 2019. Pamela has extensive experience working with the St Teresa’s Garden’s community over the last 19 years having worked as the co-ordinator of the Donore Avenue breakfast club along with working as the afterschool club worker. Pamela has a degree in Youth and Community Studies from Maynooth University.

Paula Smith

Finance Administrator

Paula joined the Co-op in August 2022 as Finance Administrator. Paula is a qualified accountant and has over twenty years’ experience working in Accounting, Auditing and Finance roles in both the private and not-for-profit sectors.

Rares-Mihai Nicula

Roma Project - Support

Rares has joined the Co-op in May 2019 as the Roma Employment and Training (REaT) Programme Officer.
Originally from the heart of Transylvania, Romania, Rares was awarded a PhD degree in Sociology in International Relations at the University of Trieste, Italy. Among his research interests are sociology of migrations, diplomacy and political systems. He is equally passionate about social justice and has experience in the legal field.
As a volunteer on different ethnic led non-government organisations boards, Rares has gained extensive experience dealing with issued affecting migrants, developing an interest in policy affecting the new communities in Ireland.

Catherine Heaney

Healthy Communities Project Coordinator

Catherine has been involved in community development for over 20 years, with 12 years before joining the Co-op specifically focused on community health as a Health Project Coordinator in South Dublin.
Catherine has a BA Degree in Leadership and Community Development and has trained in Stanford University Patient Research Centre as a Master Trainer in Chronic Disease Self-Management. Catherine has an interest in the link between health and the communities in which we are born and live in and how communities can play an active role in health and wellbeing.
[email protected]

Bronwyn April

Strength-in-Diversity Project Coordinator

Bronwyn April joined the Co-op in May 2021, as the Strength-in-Diversity Project Coordinator. Bronwyn works with migrants in hard-to-reach communities and families within the inner city of Dublin, assisting with their integration and inclusion into Irish society. Focus areas include creating pathways to employment, skills-based training initiatives, as well as access to social services and information, while also focusing on issues affecting migrants, such as discrimination and racism. Originally from South Africa, Bronwyn has carved her career in social development over the last 15 years - from working in community and social development in South Africa, to now carving her space within the social development landscape in Ireland. Bronwyn holds an MA in Child, Youth and Family Studies from the Institute of Technology, Carlow.

Lewis Byrne

Healthy Communities Project Community Health Worker

Lewis has received a Royal Life Saving Award as a trained Life Guard as well as being a fluent Irish speaker. He is a recipient of a coveted Gaisce Award and he has competed in Bahrain as part of the World IMMAF Championship Team Ireland.
Lewis has a deep understanding of the importance of community services that cater for our youth and is an avid advocate for the role of physical activity as a way to engage with people of all ages and abilities to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
[email protected]

Charlene Dolan

Community Health Worker

Charlene is a qualified Special Needs Assistant and has volunteered for Barnardos in their Funding Department on the Donor Marketing Team. Charlene has also volunteered with the Big Scream Halloween Festival both assisting in coordinating activities and facilitating workshops with children and young people. In addition, Charlene has a qualification in Office Administration.
Charlene is a native of the North East Inner City of Dublin and is passionate about supporting people in her community to become engaged again in their area post-pandemic as well as encouraging residents to participate in activities that support their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Bim Oyediran

Community Health Worker

Bim Oyediran joined the Coop in March 2024 as a Community Health Worker. Prior to returning to Dublin, she volunteed with Leyton Orient Trust’s community health programme in East London. She is a trained walk leader and is a regular volunteer at her local park run. She transitioned from a career in business support due to her passion to see better health outcomes in her communities. Bim also has a teacher training qualification from Dubin City University.

Silvia Covaci

Roma Employment & Training Project – Assistant

Silvia joined the Co-op in June 2022. Prior to joining the Co-op Silvia volunteered for over 3 years in helping the community with the local north east inner city organisation, the H.O.P.E Project. Silvia has a passion for helping people solve their problems so that they can be safe and happy. Silvia has achieved her leaving certificate and is a recent graduate of Marino Secondary School. Silvia is looking forward to progressing the future of the community she belongs to and ensuring the voice of her own community is heard in Ireland.

Megan Jones Crose

Refugee Support Worker

Megan Jones joined the Co-op in March 2023 as Refugee Support Worker. She holds a BS in Art and Women's Studies and has worked globally serving at-risk populations in an assortment of social service and NGO roles over the last 20 years. Prior to her arrival in Ireland, she worked most recently in a community health clinic in South Africa serving an informal settlement, piloting a women's entrepreneurship program. Megan draws on both professional and personal experiences to advocate for, and assist those, navigating life in a new country.

Katie Holohan

Programme Proposal and Reporting Officer

Katie joined the Co-op in February 2024, as the Programme Proposal and Reporting Officer. Prior to joining the Co-op Katie worked for organisations such as World Vision Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons. She has also gained experience in working in education as she is qualified in teaching English as a Foreign Language. She spent a year living and working in Vietnam which provided her with a range of skills working with people from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences.
Katie has an MA in International Development from UCD, Dublin and has an interest in Social Justice and empowering communities.

Karen Hughes

Community Engagement Worker

Karen joined the Co-op in March 2024 as Community Engagement Worker. She has a BA degree in Social Science & Cultural Innovation from DCU. Karen is currently seconded to Co-op member organisation Daughters of Charity Community Service on Henrietta Street where she works with the local community to address issues of isolation and deprivation. Karen is passionate about social justice and has experience with various voluntary organisations.
[email protected]

Mary Fitzpatrick

Community Health Worker

Mary Fitzpatrick joined the Dublin City Community Co-op in April 2024. Mary has worked and volunteered for the Community and Voluntary Sector for the past 20 years. Most recently she worked in the Addiction Services in Ballymun, working with parents struggling with Addiction and Recovery, supporting their parenting, and advocating on their behalf. Mary coordinated the Ballymun Strengthening Families Programme for over 10 years.


  1. Hugh Frazer-Independent Chairperson
  2. Brian O’Toole-Community After Schools Project (CASPr)
  3. Fran Laycock-Nascadh CDP
  4. Ellen Corby-LYCS
  5. Celine Kennedy -The Liberties Community Project
  6. Sonya Dillon-North West Inner City Network (NWICN)
  7. James Flanagan-South West Inner City Network (SWICN)
  8. Cherif Labreche-New Communities Partnership (NCP)
  9. Clodagh Leonard-An Siol CDP
  10. Seanie Lambe-Inner City Organisations Network (ICON)
  11. Mary McPhillips-Daughters of Charity Community Services
  12. Evanne Kilmurray-Inner City Enterprise (ICE)
  13. Mirabela Pop-North Wall CDP


  1. Mary Mc Phillips
  2. James Flanagan
  3. Cherif Labreche


  1. Fran Laycock (Coop Treasurer & Chair of Finance Sub-Committee))
  2. Brian O’Toole
  3. Mirabela Pop


  1. Hugh Frazer-Chair
  2. Evanne Kilmurray
  3. Vacant


  1. Seanie Lambe – Chair
  2. Ellen Corby
  3. Clodagh Leonard


Mary McPhillips-Daughters of Charity Community Services